Our policies

The department has a large number of policies, procedures and guidelines which affect the services that we provide to the community.

Copies of these documents are available for inspection in accordance with section 20 of the Right to Information Act 2009. Please note that some information may be deleted or withheld if its release is deemed exempt or contrary to the public interest.

Please contact us for more information on our policies and procedures.

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Burdekin groundwater management area - Water sharing rulesPolicyWater / Managing water use6.03277
Bowen groundwater management area water sharing and seasonal water assignment rulesPolicyWater / Managing water use4.07636
Accepted development requirements for taking overland flow water to satisfy the requirements of an environmental authority or a development permit for carrying out an environmentally relevant activityCodeWater / Managing water use4.00668
Riverine protection permit exemption requirementsPolicyWater / Managing water use2.03726
Minimum Standards for the construction and reconditioning of water bores that intersect the sediments of artesian basins in QueenslandStandardWater Act / Underground water management1.033189
Water bore drillers licensing handbookGuidelineWater Act / Underground water management1.043440
State Development Assessment Provisions guidance material: State code 15 removal of quarry material from a watercourse or lakeGuidelineWater / Managing water use2.003912
State Development Assessment Provision guidance material: State code 10 taking or interfering with waterGuidelineWater / Managing water use2.003913
Guideline: Works that interfere with water in a watercourse for a resource activitywatercourse diversions authorised under the Water Act 2000GuidelineWater / Managing water use2.004599
Accepted development requirements for the construction of new levees or the modification of existing leveesCodeWater / Managing water use3.004680
Exemption requirements for constructing authorities for the take of water without a water entitlementGuidelineWater / Managing water use4.015467
Guideline for issuing a residential water rate notice outside South East QueenslandGuidelineWater / Regulating the water industry2.005494
Asset management planning: guideline for water service providersGuidelineWater / Managing water use1.005545
Drought management plans and water restrictions: guideline for developmentGuidelineWater / Managing water use1.005546
Water supply planning: guideline for water service providersGuidelineWater / Managing water use1.005547
Water Security Program Guidelines South East QueenslandGuidelineWater / Managing water use5.005778
Complaints about the Director-General: section 48A of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 policyPolicyCorporate / Other1.025866
Accepted development requirements for take of overland flow water for stock or domestic purposes, or using limited capacity worksCodeWater / Managing water use1.006191
Accepted development requirements for subartesian bores or replacement boresCodeWater / Managing water use1.006192
Guideline for construction of new levees or the modification of existing leveesGuidelineWater / Managing water use2.016193
Urban water security assessments Assessment formWater / Compliance1.006553
Queensland non-urban water measurement information standardStandardWater / Managing water use1.006899
QNUWMS Telemetry devices and data loggersStandardWater / Managing water use1.006986
QNUWMS Existing meters for surface water extraction using a small concrete rectangular weir measurement structureStandardWater / Managing water use1.006987
QNUWMS Meters for measuring the take of surface water and underground waterStandardWater / Managing water use1.006988
QNUWMS Water level stationsStandardWater / Managing water use1.006989

Last updated: 06 Jan 2025